Intellect Earth

Collaboratively Changing

The Way We Live

Cleantech Solutions
Research and Development
Education and Participation

Intellect Earth promotes, researches, and develops ecosystem-driven energy farms. We specialize in agrivoltaics research, optimization and advancement within the US Midwest region.

What is agrivoltaics? Agrivoltaics is the co-location of agriculture and solar arrays, benefiting both energy and agricultural production.

Our start-up research and development company is looking to see swift industry adoption of agrivoltaics implementation in the US and specifically, in the US Midwest region where our communities have strong agricultural roots and are ready to find what works.

We are currently looking for landowners, businesses, institutions, or cities that have installed solar arrays and would like to work with us to further our operational research.

For more information, click here.

Our Company Values

Composers of quality research and thinkers of fresh ideas.

At IntelEarth we believe that creativity, collaboration and construction are the key elements needed to see swift energy changes that we need to support our Minnesota communities.

Our values respect the new energy transition as a community effort and we prioritize transparency, positive environmental, social, and monetary impacts and education at every level.

A Little Of Our Story

We Live For Seeing Positive, Impactful Results.

We understand the important steps every industry must take in facing today's energy transition, and starting with a small software development team have created a diverse team of interdisciplinary professionals and student interns to research the optimization of agrivoltaics through research, methodology testing and agritech solutions. Our solutions specifically support open-setting APV systems using biodiversity farming methodologies & implementations.

Agrivoltaics is our speciality. It provides a new path to energy ecosystems that do much more than supply electricity. They structure our communities, clean our air, water and soil, protect natural habitat, create new revenue streams and ensure we meet our energy needs through multi-discipline ecosystem and community collaboration.

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